我之前用的是旧的SDK,分享是完全正常的,现在为了兼容64位,换用最新版的TencentOpenApi SDK,就是2.3.1,就出问题了,跳转到手机QQ界面后,没有分享对话框,就好像简单的打开手机QQ一样。下面是代码,完全一样,
QQApiNewsObject *messge = [[QQApiNewsObject alloc] init];
messge.url = [NSURL urlWithStr:self.url];
messge.title = self.title;
messge.description = self.shareDesc;
messge.previewImageData = [self shareImageData];
SendMessageToQQReq *req = [SendMessageToQQReq reqWithContent:messge];
// [QQApiInterface SendReqToQZone:req];
[QQApiInterface sendReq:req];
巴扎黑2017-04-17 13:40:04
Found the reason, the writing method is wrong, 2.3.1 must use the class method to generate the QQApiNewsObject object, you cannot alloc init first, and then assign a value to each attribute, but the old SDK can! ! It’s OK if I change it to this:
QQApiNewsObject *messge = [QQApiNewsObject objectWithURL:[NSURL urlWithStr:self.url]
previewImageData:[self shareImageData]];
迷茫2017-04-17 13:40:04
I have not encountered your situation. It is recommended to take a look at the environment setup and check
PHPz2017-04-17 13:40:04
Not encountered, please check
messge.url = [NSURL urlWithStr:self.url];
messge.title = self.title;
messge.description = self.shareDesc;
message.previewImageData = [self shareImageData];
Check if these data are transmitted correctly