IntelliJ IDEA 中部署Tomcat应用存在两个同名应用程序,一个带有exploded,另一个不带,请问他们有什么区别
PHPz2017-04-17 13:36:01
I have never used it, but I looked at the picture and guessed it, and I think one should represent the war package, and the other represents the unlocked war package, otherwise you can see that they are a pair below
巴扎黑2017-04-17 13:36:01
The great thing about
IntelliJ IDEA
is that every time a new WEB project is created, a TOMCAT
service will be created independently. In fact, the most commonly used one is the xxxx exploded
package, which is actually used when Tomcat
is running. For deployed content, another war
generally does not find its output location.
大家讲道理2017-04-17 13:36:01
The difference is that one is deployed through the war package and the other is deployed after expansion. When deploying a project, generally choose the first one.
PHPz2017-04-17 13:36:01
It seems that selecting exploded can reload resources that are modified in time during debugging