有木有大神做过软件升级这个功能? 我现在要实现软件升级功能,首先要查找本地以安装程序的目录,那怎么实现查找已经安装的程序的目录呢? 比如电脑管家就有软件升级的功能,它就能查找到你本机已经安装了这个程序,并且卸载旧版本再安装新版本? 我就想知道它是怎么查找到我本机已经安装了这个软件的。。。有做过的大神给点思路!!!
ringa_lee2017-04-17 13:30:01
For Windows systems, generally software is registered by writing a registry.
When installing the software, write the software’s installation path, version and other information into the registry. When needed
just find the right path and read it. Open regedit and take a look. You can see a lot of software information under LOCAL_MACHINE
=》SOFTWARE. Please refer to it and write it down