目前业务有些变化, 在文章区每天会有100W的数据量增长(前期都是单表设计的),现在对于数据的读取与写入都有变慢,从网上了解到有 mysql 分区 、 分表 、 分库的思想 , 但是没有具体实施方案, 请问大家有具体的实施方案吗?
大家讲道理2017-04-17 13:24:32
Partitioning is not recommended. This is rather tricky. Difficult to maintain. Table sharding is more suitable than partitioning. The strategies for sub-tables are divided by user accounts. This post can be divided into sub-tables from 0 to N-1. The first letter or last letter of the user account can be converted into ASCII code value and set to num, and then divided moduloly by %. select * from table_num%N
Sub-library can be used as a master-slave database. The master database is responsible for writing and the slave database is responsible for reading. Separation of reading and writing.
黄舟2017-04-17 13:24:32
No matter how you dismantle such a large increment table, it will probably be too much.