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html5 - js实现 fullpage 插件的功能

去面试,丫的看了我的项目。还嫌弃我项目不该用插件写的,说为什么不用原生写? 大致的思路我是有的,无非就是检测到鼠标滚轮事件,然后触发某个函数。这个函数做一个平移,或者说是定位上的改变,将内容移动到屏幕看不到的地方,然后滚轮再滚动的时候移回来。

阿神阿神2715 days ago369

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  • ringa_lee

    ringa_lee2017-04-17 13:04:28

    The idea is not wrong, I can only say that the interviewers are very similar. Do you need to develop everything yourself to make a product? For non-core functional components, the use of plug-ins is unavoidable. Besides, js plug-ins are originally a feature of the front-end.

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