我在heroku上刚implement了Browserify AMD的功能。在heroku上需要用到multi-buildpack (nodeJS + ruby).
安装了multi buildpack之后,deploy就是git push heroku master这样简单。
PHPz2017-04-17 12:02:24
You can use: http://hehecloud.com/ to help you quickly build a Qingyun host into a container-based high-availability cluster that supports Heroku Buildpack
PHPz2017-04-17 12:02:24
Heroku can be classified as PaaS in cloud computing, while Qingyun can be classified as IaaS... The two levels are different.
There is currently no easy-to-use PaaS platform in China, and even if there is (such as: SAE), the support for Ruby/Rails is not good.