ringa_lee2017-04-17 11:57:31
Once the style is changed in the future, only less will be changed. All less files will be placed in a special folder (for example, called less).
Then separate a special folder (for example, called css) to put only the less compiled css files. The page also references the style sheet in this folder, which means that in principle, css will no longer have the opportunity to be encountered manually.
I don’t know if you mean this, I hope it helps you
PHP中文网2017-04-17 11:57:31
Our gulp detection is to recompile and overwrite the css every time, so it is useless to change the css and only change less. The same is true for maintenance
怪我咯2017-04-17 11:57:31
Use less in the development environment and compile less into css in the production environment. There are two files during development and production. For maintenance, change directly to less. In theory, you cannot directly change the code in the production environment
高洛峰2017-04-17 11:57:31
Two folders: less and css. css contains the compiled styles and is directly referenced in the project. If the project style needs to be modified later, just change it to less