InnoDB会为每个需要更新的行, 建立一个新的行拷贝, 并且为新的行拷贝, 记录当前的系统版本号。 同时, 也为更新前的旧行, 记录系统的版本号, 作为旧行的删除版本标识。
2.如果不是使用MVCC, 而是普通的update更新操作, 是否会保存原来的旧的记录, 还是在原记录上更新并保存?
大家讲道理2017-04-17 11:55:24
1. No matter what, it is not really deleted, set the delete mark and record the transaction ID.
2. mvcc is a multi-version mechanism. It is not a question of whether you use it or not. When up, it is for the current read, and only select is a snapshot read.