如何才可以保障自己新开发apk安全、不被别人盗取我classes.dex 源码的方法?前两天自己APP应用刚上市场就被盗了、这让我非常生气!谁可以帮忙解决一下,万分感谢。
PHP中文网2017-04-17 11:52:04
(For details, you can go to our official website to learn more about the experience: safe.ijiami.cn)
For example: 1.Dynamic loading of dex pointer: more professional protection of memory code security.
2. Advanced obfuscation encryption of dex source code: Adding another layer of protective shell to source code security.
3.so library protection: protect the security of core SO library file code.
We specially develop encryption solutions and encryption tools according to the needs of developers to further meet the needs of enterprise-level developer apps.