想不明白,为啥我的问题总被踩? 是因为经常上“最近热门”还是因为这种问题你觉得太装B!上次有个问题,也是上了最近热门,被踩了几脚,又被好心人给赞起来了!哎,SegmentFault不是要互相交流学习的地方吗?问使用哪个工具装B还好用,我招惹谁了!想不明白,踩人的阴暗心理!我在Sf上从来不踩人。在此也衷心感谢回答我问题的朋友,共勉!'
其实我DW用着也挺好的,尤其是一些自动提示,比如输入url 会看到路径选择框。这个在sublime上是没有的,需要插件才能实现。
我想问的是,前端的大神们, 有没有一款工具既能让自己开发效果高,又不会显得自己水平low?
伊谢尔伦2017-04-17 11:48:55
In any case, it’s not those visualization tools (such as Dreamweaver)...anything else is fine.
You said you don’t use its visualization function, but only use it to type code? This is the same as a soldier choosing a long gun with a bayonet and just using it to poke without shooting. It’s not that it’s not possible, it’s that since I never shoot, why not choose a more suitable tool for poking (spear?)
So since you don’t use those visualization functions, of course you should use tools that are better for writing code..
In addition, I just wanted to step on you... You were stepped on not because of the question itself but because of the way you expressed it... because all the "great masters" don't need to do anything to "make themselves look awesome" "...If you need to focus on how to make yourself look awesome, then you are just Mr. Nanguo
天蓬老师2017-04-17 11:48:55
I have to complain about Sublime. There is a person next to me who uses Sublime, and there is no syntax error message. I use phpstorm to open Red, and various defined variables can be directly calculated. The entire system can run error_report at the highest level for every interface. Basically, there is an online bug once a month. It's okay to show off, but don't be superstitious.
高洛峰2017-04-17 11:48:55
There is an editor, which I think is the best. Even if it does not have gorgeous themes, powerful plug-ins, and no automatic code completion function, it exists in everyone’s computer and is available at any time as long as you want to use it. For you, if you can use it to efficiently write correct lines of code, then you will definitely be awesome!
高洛峰2017-04-17 11:48:55
Brackets also has open source projects
It’s ok abroad, it’s ok on Github
Play Atom by yourself
Project development WebStrom actually has no choice
I don’t know what the Node environment is like in Windows Vs
大家讲道理2017-04-17 11:48:55
I use notepad++, Aptana studio 3, Adobe Brackets for no other reason than open source and free
大家讲道理2017-04-17 11:48:55
Atom and sublime are both available, the emmet plug-in is available in both editors, and automatic completion is also available. The file path completion plug-in is also available in both editors. Atom is relatively laggy on low-end computers. A little, but you can input Chinese directly, unlike sublime which requires configuration