1.txt 文件内容: 你好a,我是千叶!
期望结果: 你好a
#include <stdio.h> main() { FILE *fp; fp=fopen("1.txt","r"); char x[1000]; fread(x,sizeof(char),7,fp); //length=7,对于现在的1.txt结果正确,如果1.txt变成纯中文的文件,第三个汉字就会被截断,请问要怎么处理呢? printf("%s",x); }
之前提了一个问题在Object-c节点,没有人回答 所以想看看用C能不能解决,原问题:http://segmentfault.com/q/1010000002530834?_ea=128095
天蓬老师2017-04-17 11:44:25
Give me an idea:
, and NSData has an initialization method dataWithContentsOfFile:
InterceptionHope this helps lz
ringa_lee2017-04-17 11:44:25
The key point of the problem is: Under the conditions of ANSI encoding, one Chinese character occupies two bytes and one English character occupies one byte .
So for your example:
// 1.txt
// "你好a", 数一数,是5个字节。
So if you want to intercept "Hello a", then use:
fread(x,sizeof(char),5,fp); printf("%s\n", x); // 输出 "你好a"
If it is all in Chinese, for example:
// 1.txt
// 三个汉字是 6 个字节
Then if you want Chinese characters not to be truncated, you should at least read an even number of bytes.
fread(x,sizeof(char),6,fp); printf("%s\n", x); // 输出 "你好啊"
伊谢尔伦2017-04-17 11:44:25
This depends on the encoding. If the encoding standard is not certain, I am afraid that any software will read garbled characters.
PHP中文网2017-04-17 11:44:25
...I’m not sure if I’m talking about the same thing as you...
It's nothing more than a problem with Chinese characters. You can directly take the length of the first 6 characters (regardless of Chinese and English, 6 characters are always enough), convert it into NSString, and then directly substringToIndex:3, take the first three characters, and it will come out. ?