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css3 - webstrom有px转rem的插件吗


大家讲道理大家讲道理2863 days ago563

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  • 高洛峰

    高洛峰2017-04-17 11:30:49

    You can use Nodejs to write a simple command line tool yourself.
    You only need to master the simple synchronization file module and regular expressions~

    var fs = require("fs")
    function format(filePath, keywords) {
        //  同步读取文件内容
        var content = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf-8")
        var arr = content.split("\n")
        var count = 0
        for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            var value = arr[i]
            var temp
            temp = value.replace(/(\d+)px/g, function() {
                if (arguments[3].indexOf("@media") != -1 || arguments[3].indexOf("max") != -1 || arguments[3].indexOf("min") != -1) {
                } else if (Number(arguments[1]) > 1) {
                    // 这里可以自己维护换算规则
                    return Number(arguments[1]) / 100 + "rem"
                return arguments[0]
            if (temp != arr[i]) {
                arr.splice(i + 1, 0, temp)
        var result = arr.join("\n")
        var formatFilePath = filePath.replace(".", keywords + ".");
        fs.writeFile(formatFilePath, result, "utf-8", function(err) {
            if (err) console.log(err)
            console.log("change lines number: " + count)
    format("style.css", "_format");

    Use node app.js (for example, you save the above code as app.js)
    Then it will automatically calculate the style.css in the same path and calculate the px in it as rem. You can maintain it yourself. Conversion rules.

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