阿神2017-04-17 11:14:56
Hello! When p has no width or height, and there are no width-height elements or text content in it, the p will not be displayed, but float will still take effect.
Failure situation: Two ps at the same level, the first one is set with float:left, and the second one is not set, the first one will be out of the document flow, which means that the second p ignores the existence of the first one. Will overlap
大家讲道理2017-04-17 11:14:56
Currently we only know that float does not take effect when absolute positioning and display is none. I hope other experts can answer the questions
PHP中文网2017-04-17 11:14:56
Properties not affecting flexible boxes
Because flexible boxes use a different layout algorithm, some
properties do not make sense on a flex container:
column-* properties of the multiple column module have no effect on a flex item.
float and clear have no effect on a flex item. Using float causes the display property of the element to compute to block.
vertical-align has no effect on the alignment of flex items.
ringa_lee2017-04-17 11:14:56
Display:flex will also fail, you can use margin-left:auto to solve it