<img src="images/Tuzki.gif"/>
PHPz2017-04-17 11:08:39
<img src="images/Tuzki.gif" width="72" height="72" />
The picture inserted in this way is 72x72 pixels. width represents the width of the picture, and height represents the height of the picture.
In the future, when you insert pictures into the web page, you can add these elements to control the size of the pictures.
Also recommended http://www.w3school.com.cn You can check it out, there are explanations on many web pages.
About scaling
/* 控制图片比例缩放 */
The above css is to scale the images in the web page according to the proportion. The width should not exceed 600 pixels. If it exceeds, it will be reduced to 600, and the height will be scaled according to the proportion.
Detailed introduction to max-width attribute
怪我咯2017-04-17 11:08:39
Line 257 of the stylesheet.css file sets the width of the image, just remove it
img {
width: 100%; /* 移除这行 */
max-width: 100%;
巴扎黑2017-04-17 11:08:39
Correct answer upstairs
But if you want to set how many times the original size is, it’s a bit complicated
1. js get
2. php function acquisition
But I think this is not what you want
If the width and height of the image are not set, the default original size will be displayed.