我给 goagent 做了一个主页,想在载入速度上做优化, 目前做的前端优化有:
把 www.goagent.org CNAME 到 goagentorg.duapp.com, 保证国内打开速度。但是 BAE 貌似目前不支持裸域名的跳转,所以 goagent.org 跳到 www.goagent.org 还需要从 goddady 执行一次 301, 不知道这个有没有什么好办法。
http://www.goagent.org 做了 css/js 嵌入,但是我是一个前端新手,不知道这个页面可以如何继续优化,html 代码布局, js 压缩什么的。还请前端大人不吝指教。
如何还有没注意到地方,还请一并赐教 :)
迷茫2017-04-17 11:05:58
Problem has been resolved:
After using dnspod.cn for three months, you can turn on the "Display URL" forwarding function, which is now solved.
伊谢尔伦2017-04-17 11:05:58
It opens very quickly now...
PHP中文网2017-04-17 11:05:58
It’s really fast~ It’s not a big project~ There’s no need to optimize like this~
高洛峰2017-04-17 11:05:58
"The compression optimization of this website is very good!" - Alibaba Test
PHPz2017-04-17 11:05:58
GTMetrix seems to have given 3 suggestions. I said I couldn't understand.