数据分析师2017-09-30 23:30:08
How do you understand "The outer outline is a dynamic style, which is only displayed when the element gets focus or is activated"? -PHP Chinese website Q&A - "The outer outline is a dynamic style, which is only displayed when the element gets focus or is activated." What do you understand? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
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迷茫2016-12-21 17:27:56
就好比你定义一个输入框,输入框在鼠标点击获取焦点之后,才会有一个外轮廓, 鼠标点击别处输入框失去焦点,外轮廓就没有了,你可以定义外轮廓的颜色等参数。 外轮廓只有在获取焦点的时候才会出现,所以是动态生成的的咯。