数据分析师2017-09-30 22:57:57
I still don’t understand the rowspan and colspan in the table. Can you please explain? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-I still don’t understand the rowspan and colspan in the table. Can you please explain? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
Please watch and learn.
迷茫2016-12-19 17:15:13
rowspan 合并竖向单元格,你合并几个,就要把下面的单元格td 删除几个减去一,因为本身的这个单元格是不能删掉的,例如我要合并3个单元格, 在第一个单元格内写上rowspan="3" 然后把后面的俩个单元格给去掉
colspan 合并横向单元格,与合并竖向单元格差不多