How to compile $i
to "3 digits"?
@for $i from 1 through 100 { .bg-image#{$i} { background-image: url("folder/bg-image#{$i}.jpg"); } }
I want it to compile like this.
.bg-image001 { background-image: url("folder/bg-image001.jpg"); } .bg-image002 { background-image: url("folder/bg-image002.jpg"); } ... .bg-image099 { background-image: url("folder/bg-image099.jpg"); } .bg-image100 { background-image: url("folder/bg-image100.jpg"); }
I tried this way:
.bg-image#{" d" % $i}
But an error occurred in webstorm.
Are there any other good methods? thanks for your help.
P粉4492810682024-04-05 10:13:07 In this way, This is an issue with spacing during the build process.
This is how I solved it:
@function zerofill($i) { @return #{str-slice("000",0,3 - str-length(#{$i}))}+$i; } @for $i from 1 through 100 { $i: zerofill($i); #layer-#{$i} { background: url('../layers/layer-#{$i}.png'); } }