I have a table as follows:
Query to copy data:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS units_table; CREATE TEMP TABLE units_table ( Brand varchar(100), units numeric(38,12) ); INSERT INTO units_table (Brand, units) VALUES ('A',200),('B',0),('C',300),('D',400),('E',1500),('F',700),('G',800),('H',450);
Specially using window functions, I want to get the highest value in the table. As follows:
But when I use:
select brand, units, FIRST_VALUE(units) OVER () as Highest from units_table
The first value it gives is 0. If I do this,
select brand, units, FIRST_VALUE(units) OVER (ORDER BY UNITS) as Highest from units_table
Throw an error. How specifically should Window Function be used to solve this problem? Thank you in advance!
P粉6163836252024-04-05 11:32:53
select brand,units, FIRST_VALUE(units) OVER (ORDER BY UNITS DESC) as Highest from units_table
Useful to me
P粉9596764102024-04-05 09:38:42
You needMAX()
Window function:
SELECT brand, units, MAX(units) OVER () AS Highest FROM units_table;
See Demo.