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Shopware 6 Plugin: How to remove boolean configuration and migrate it to multi-select configuration

I have a Shopware 6 plugin currently configured with a boolean reviewSkipModeration value that automatically publishes any review submitted through the plugin:


<input-field type="bool">
  <label>Accept reviews automatically</label>

The current version of this plugin is 1.7.2. In the new version 1.7.3, I want to remove the reviewSkipModeration boolean configuration and add the new autoPublishStars multi-select configuration:


        <input-field type="single-select">
            <label>Auto Publish review with stars</label>
            <label lang="de-DE">Sterne vorausgewählt</label>
                    <name lang="de-DE">None</name>
                    <name>0 Stars</name>
                    <name lang="de-DE">0 Stars</name>
                    <name>1 Star</name>
                    <name lang="de-DE">1 Stern</name>
                    <name>2 Stars</name>
                    <name lang="de-DE">2 Sterne</name>
                    <name>3 Stars</name>
                    <name lang="de-DE">3 Sterne</name>
                    <name>4 Stars</name>
                    <name lang="de-DE">4 Sterne</name>
                    <name>5 Stars</name>
                    <name lang="de-DE">5 Sterne</name>

The current logic is implemented in the controller. Because I want to remove the new version if (!$this->config->getReviewSkipModeration()) {...} What changes should be made in the controller? :

            $commentStatus = true;
            if($reviewPoints < $this->config->getAutoPublishStars()){
                $commentStatus = !$commentStatus;
            if (!$this->config->getReviewSkipModeration()) {
                $commentStatus = false;

            $create = [
                'productId' => $sArticleId,
                'customerId' => $customer->getCustomerId(),
                'salesChannelId' => $salesChannelContext->getSalesChannel()->getId(),
                'languageId' => $salesChannelContext->getContext()->getLanguageId(),
                'externalUser' => $this->anonymizeName($isAnon, $customer),
                'externalEmail' => $orderNumberAsEmail,
                'title' => $commentHeadline,
                'content' => $commentContent,
                'points' => $reviewPoints,
                'status' => $commentStatus,

I wish to migrate the boolean configuration functionality to the new version, avoid changing the default behavior for existing users during updates to a multi-select configuration with the following options. How to use "None" in config.xml to controller? Can I access the "None" option the same way I access "0" in the controller? :

In my update method, how to migrate the data correctly:

My plug-in update function is as follows:

    public function update(UpdateContext $context): void {

But I'm not sure how to handle the mapping. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

P粉412533525P粉412533525180 days ago431

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  • P粉418214279

    P粉4182142792024-04-04 18:59:42

    If I understand correctly, you should first change the update method, you can check whether the old boolean configuration is true or false, and then map it to the corresponding new multi-select configuration

    public function update(UpdateContext $context): void
        $previousConfigVal = $this->config->getReviewSkipModeration();
        $newConfigVal = $previousConfigVal ? 0 : 'None';

    Afterwards, if you're using PHP 8, you can use a simple [switch][1] or [match][2] to get different options

    $autoPublishStars = $this->config->getAutoPublishStars();
    switch ($autoPublishStars) {
        case 'None':
            $commentStatus = false;
        case '0':
            $commentStatus = false;
        case '1':
            $commentStatus = ($reviewPoints >= 1);
        case '2':
            $commentStatus = ($reviewPoints >= 2);
        case '3':
            $commentStatus = ($reviewPoints >= 3);
        case '4':
            $commentStatus = ($reviewPoints >= 4);
        case '5':
            $commentStatus = ($reviewPoints >= 5);
            $commentStatus = true;

    I think this might actually work for you, if not we can brainstorm together to find a solution [1]: https://www.php.net/manual/ fr/control-structs.switch.php [2]: https://www.php.net/manual/ en/control-structs.match.php

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