import React from 'react' import {Search} from "@material-ui/icons/Search" const App = () => { return ( <div> <Search/> </div> ) } export default App
Export 'search' (imported as 'search') not found in '@material-ui/icons/Search' (possible export: __esModule, default)
Export 'search' (imported as 'search') not found in '@material-ui/icons/Search' (possible export: __esModule, default)
The search icon is not imported, but I installed the material package, but it is not displayed in package.json
P粉3492227722024-04-03 10:44:55
If you look carefully at your import declaration
import { Search } from "@material-ui/icons/Search
You are importing a module named "Search", which already has a default export.
In order to use the default export you should use
import Search from "@material-ui/icons/Search
If you want to import multiple icons, you should use route /icons
Then use all the icons you want, here's how to achieve this:
import { Search, Mail } from "@material-ui/icons
Install and run:
npm install @mui/icons-material @mui/material @emotion/styled @emotion/react
P粉4516148342024-04-03 00:08:40
The correct import is:
import SearchIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Search';
You must install it if you haven’t already
npm i @mui/icons-material
You can find all icons here: -ui/material-icons/