I'm trying to create a database for a room management system but I'm confused about the relationships and can't find any useful resources on the internet, can you tell me if there's something wrong with this prisma script? Because I want to control it in expressJs and make an app based on it
generator client { provider = "prisma-client-js" } datasource db { provider = "mysql" url = env("DATABASE_URL") } model Guest { guestId String @id @default(uuid()) name String phone String @unique() address String? nationality String Reservation Reservation[] @relation("GuestReservation") } model Reservation { reservationId Int @id @default(autoincrement()) checkIn DateTime checkOut DateTime Guest Guest @relation("GuestReservation", fields: [guestId], references: [guestId], onDelete: Cascade) guestId String visitors Int Room Room @relation("RoomReservation", fields: [roomId], references: [roomId], onDelete: Cascade) type ReservationType roomId Int Bill Bill? @relation("BillReservation") } enum ReservationType { Booking Contract Booked Canceled } model Room { roomId Int @id @default(autoincrement()) price Float type Type Reservation Reservation[] @relation("RoomReservation") } enum Type { Single Double Triple } model Bill { invoiceNo String @id @default(uuid()) Reservation Reservation @relation("BillReservation", fields: [reservationId], references: [reservationId], onDelete: Cascade) reservationId Int @unique() roomService Float @default(0) paymentMode Payment Service Service[] } enum Payment { Cash Visa } model Service { serviceId String @id @default(uuid()) type ServiceType name String price Float Bill Bill @relation(fields: [billInvoiceNo], references: [invoiceNo], onDelete: Cascade) billInvoiceNo String } enum ServiceType { Bar Laundry }
I tried creating a rough one for each entity, but ended up getting relationship errors, like foreign keys or something, which meant there was something wrong with my relationship.
P粉0374504672024-03-31 00:31:33
Your schema is valid, but I recommend maintaining consistency when defining ids for tables. Some table IDs are string types, and some table IDs are numeric types.
The following is an example query to create entities for the model.
import {
} from '@prisma/client';
const prisma = new PrismaClient({
log: ['query'],
async function main() {
// Creating a room
await prisma.room.create({
data: {
price: 100,
type: Type.Single,
roomId: 1,
// Creating a guest
await prisma.guest.create({
data: {
name: 'Test',
nationality: 'Indian',
phone: '1234567890',
address: 'Test Address',
guestId: '1',
// Creating a service with a bill and a reservation
await prisma.service.create({
data: {
name: 'test',
price: 100,
type: ServiceType.Bar,
serviceId: '1',
Bill: {
create: {
paymentMode: Payment.Cash,
invoiceNo: '1',
Reservation: {
create: {
checkIn: new Date(),
checkOut: new Date(),
type: ReservationType.Booked,
visitors: 1,
roomId: 1,
guestId: '1',
.catch((e) => {
throw e;
.finally(async () => {
await prisma.$disconnect();
This is the query response:
> ts-node index.ts prisma:query BEGIN prisma:query INSERT INTO `white_egret`.`Room` (`roomId`,`price`,`type`) VALUES (?,?,?) prisma:query SELECT `white_egret`.`Room`.`roomId`, `white_egret`.`Room`.`price`, `white_egret`.`Room`.`type` FROM `white_egret`.`Room` WHERE `white_egret`.`Room`.`roomId` = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? prisma:query COMMIT prisma:query BEGIN prisma:query INSERT INTO `white_egret`.`Guest` (`guestId`,`name`,`phone`,`address`,`nationality`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) prisma:query SELECT `white_egret`.`Guest`.`guestId`, `white_egret`.`Guest`.`name`, `white_egret`.`Guest`.`phone`, `white_egret`.`Guest`.`address`, `white_egret`.`Guest`.`nationality` FROM `white_egret`.`Guest` WHERE `white_egret`.`Guest`.`guestId` = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? prisma:query COMMIT prisma:query BEGIN prisma:query INSERT INTO `white_egret`.`Reservation` (`reservationId`,`checkIn`,`checkOut`,`guestId`,`visitors`,`type`,`roomId`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) prisma:query INSERT INTO `white_egret`.`Bill` (`invoiceNo`,`reservationId`,`roomService`,`paymentMode`) VALUES (?,?,?,?) prisma:query INSERT INTO `white_egret`.`Service` (`serviceId`,`type`,`name`,`price`,`billInvoiceNo`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) prisma:query SELECT `white_egret`.`Service`.`serviceId`, `white_egret`.`Service`.`type`, `white_egret`.`Service`.`name`, `white_egret`.`Service`.`price`, `white_egret`.`Service`.`billInvoiceNo` FROM `white_egret`.`Service` WHERE `white_egret`.`Service`.`serviceId` = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? prisma:query COMMIT