First of all, I'm sorry for my bad English, I'm using a translator.
I am a beginner in VUE and VUE X and there are definitely big mistakes.
I'm having a problem using VUE, currently I'm trying to display publications based on their ID.
This is my data:
data(){ return { list: [this.$store.dispatch('allPublications')], id:'', feed: '', } },
This is my store operation:
publicationId:({commit}, messages) => { instance.get('/publications/' + .then(function(response){ commit('setMessage', console.log(response) this.feed = }) .catch(function(error){ console.log(error) }) },
This is the result of my calculation:
computed: { ...mapState({ user: 'profileUser', publication: 'publicationFeed', message: 'publicationInfos' }), message(){ return this.$store.state.message; }, },
This is my status:
setMessage: function(state, message){ state.message = message },
This is my template:
<template> <div class="card-body" @click="publicationId("> <span class="badge bg-secondary">{{ message.User.username }}</span> <div class="dropdown-divider"></div> <div class="card-text d-flex justify-content-between align-items-md-center"> <p class="card-text d-flex flex-start">{{ message.message }}</p> </div> <span class="message__date">{{ message.createdAt.split('T')[0]}}</span> </div> <img class="card-img-top" alt="..." :src="message.image">
Some screenshots may help you more:
VUE Google Chrome Tools
Everything works fine until the page is reloaded
After reloading the page, everything goes wrong
Everything works fine as long as I don't reload the page, once I reload the page I get an error and my calculated values disappear and I can't get the data from my calculations.
I have checked a lot of information but have not been able to solve this problem. Thank you for your help!
P粉4974634732024-03-30 09:00:56
Looks like I've solved the problem:
data() { return { componentLoaded: false, list: [this.$store.dispatch('allPublications')], id: '', feed: '', } },
mounted() { this.componentLoaded = true; = this.$; this.$store.dispatch('publicationId', { id: this.$ }) },
In calculation:
computed: { message() { if (!this.componentLoaded) { return null } else { return this.$store.state.message; } }, },
I added a v-if
to the template{{ message.User.username }}{{ message.message }}
This worked for me, hope it helps someone in need.