After getting the collection from the query, I want to sort it. Then, the following error message appears:
Error code: 907 Error message: ORA-00907: Missing right bracket position: 202 Statement: SELECT count(*) FROM EXISTS 'ATTENDANCE_LISTS' AS AGGREGATE (SELECT * FROM 'MEETINGS' WHERE 'ATTENDANCE_LISTS'. "MEETING_ID" = "MEETINGS"."ID" and "STATUS_MEETING" = :p0 and "START_MEETING" <= :p1 order by "START_MEETING" desc) Binding: [Disetujui,2022-04-19 20:11:24 ] (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate in existing "ATTENDANCE_LISTS" (select * from "MEETINGS" where "ATTENDANCE_LISTS"."MEETING_ID" = "MEETINGS"."ID" and "STATUS_MEETING" = Disetujui and "START_MEETING"<= 2022-04 -19 20:11:24 Press "START_MEETING" to order desc))
code show as below:
$meetings2 = AttendanceLists::whereHas('meeting', function ($query) { $now = new DateTime("now"); $query->where('status_meeting', '=', 'Disetujui') ->where('start_meeting', '<=', $now) ->orderBy('start_meeting', 'desc') ; })->paginate(5);
I just built the query using the Laravel eloquent method above and I've been struggling with this for days. please help me.
Yes, here is a seemingly similar post: ORA-00907: missing closing bracket
However, the problem I am having has nothing to do with manually building the query using SQL format . I built the query using the PHP Laravel eloquent method, so it can't really be an issue about missing brackets. **
edit: In short, the problem arises when I try to sort the attendance list by the "meeting" attribute (sorted by the attribute's attribute). Any help?
P粉6525239802024-03-30 09:39:10
This is the solution.
The solution is to change whereHas to join. code show as below:
$meetings = AttendanceLists::join('meetings', '', '=', 'attendance_lists.meeting_id') ->where('attendance_lists.user_id', '=', $id_user) ->where('meetings.status_meeting', '=', 'Disetujui') ->where('meetings.start_meeting', '<', $now) ->orderBy('meetings.start_meeting', 'desc') ->paginate(5);