I have two tables named "Supplier" and "Contact".
The data in the contact table corresponds to a record in the supplier table.
Supplier data
id | Name |
1 | horsepower |
2 | huawei |
Contact data
id | Supplier ID | connect |
1 | 1 | John |
2 | 1 | Smith |
3 | 1 | meeting |
4 | 2 | U.S. Department of Energy |
5 | 2 | wick |
Now, I want to make a query that should return the following results
id | Name | connect |
1 | horsepower | John, Smith, Will |
2 | huawei | U.S. Department of Energy, Wake |
Or the following results should be returned
id | Name | connect | connect | connect |
1 | horsepower | John | Smith | meeting |
2 | huawei | U.S. Department of Energy | wick |
P粉1248907782024-03-28 09:13:08
You can use the MySQL GROUP_CONCAT
aggregate function to get your first output table. Its own ORDER BY
clause will allow you to check the concatenation order of rows.
SELECT s.ID, s.Name, GROUP_CONCAT(c.Contact ORDER BY c.id) FROM Supplier s INNER JOIN Contact c ON s.ID = c.supplierId GROUP BY s.ID, s.Name
You can use the window function ROW_NUMBER
to assign a ranking to each row in the Contact table by partitioning by supplier. The contacts are then divided into three columns using an IF
statement, which checks the three possible values for the ranking. MAX
Aggregation functions will allow you to remove null values.
SELECT s.ID, s.Name, MAX(IF(c.rn = 1, c.Contact, NULL)) AS Contact1, MAX(IF(c.rn = 2, c.Contact, NULL)) AS Contact2, MAX(IF(c.rn = 3, c.Contact, NULL)) AS Contact3 FROM Supplier s INNER JOIN (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY supplierId ORDER BY id) AS rn FROM Contact ) c ON s.ID = c.supplierId GROUP BY s.ID, s.Name;
The second query may not work if there are more than three customers per supplier. In this case, you can modify the query to include the maximum number of suppliers possible, or use a prepared statement. If you really need such a solution, please leave a comment below.
For better understanding you can use these solutions here. The first solution works with any MySQL version, while the second solution works with MySQL 8.