Hi everyone, I'm trying to understand the MUI data grid better and meet the design specifications for table views, I'm using the DataGrid in MUI for pagination, I'm using their custom implementation but I don't know how to do it Since the CustomPagination is overridden by the root of the DataGrid, it changes position, I will share the CodeSandbox from MUI for custom implementation and what I want to achieve.
codesanboxDemo=> https://codesandbox.io/s/ybuq4n?file=/demo.tsx Search results enter image description here
I tried searching for relevant documentation, but no results.
P粉9550636622024-03-28 13:59:03
Unfortunately, it is not possible to pass alignment to the footer of a MUI DataGrid. Therefore, you need to make a custom footer and rearrange the default order of footer components. So your code needs to look like this.
DataGrid Usage: If you are using a newer version of the MUI Data Grid, use the slot attribute instead of the component, it has been deprecated.
Custom footer: You need to make sure your custom pagination is inside a GridFooterContainer first. The component will be Generated from top to bottom in html, so will be displayed from left to right.
const CustomFooter = () => { const gridApi = useGridApiContext(); return (); }; export default CustomFooter; { !!gridApi.current.getSelectedRows().size && }
Hope this helps.