I am using vue-easytable plugin version 2.8.2 to display the table inside the Vue component. I'm having trouble finding how to conditionally display a table column.
In the demo shown here, when the "Row Radio" or "Row Checkbox" switch is turned on, we can see that a column is dynamically added to the demo table. So I think this feature/functionality should already exist in vue-easytable, but I can't find how to implement this referring to the documentation.
In my Vue component, the column array I pass to vue-easytable is as follows.
columns: [ { field: "entity", key: "c", title: "Entity", align: "left", sortBy: "asc", }, { field: "version", key: "d", title: "Version", align: "center", }, { field: "test_date", key: "e", title: "Test Date", align: "center", }, { field: "score", key: "f", title: "Score", align: "center", }, { field: "score_percentage", key: "g", title: "Score (%)", align: "center", }, { field: "result", key: "h", title: "Result", align: "center", } ]
I want to display the "Entity" column when the condition is met. What should I do to achieve this?
You can find vue-easytable documentation here.
P粉5761849332024-03-28 16:01:48
In the code demonstrated in the source, columns are added to the columns array as follows:
if (this.enableRowCheckbox) { columns.push({ field: "checkbox", key: "checkbox", title: "", width: 100, fixed: this.enableColumnFixed ? "left" : "", type: "checkbox", }); }
For your use case, you'd better set the defaultHiddenColumnKeys option and/or the hiddenColumnsByKeys and showColumnsByKeys instance methods. See link for examples.
Or you can use cellStyleOption like this:
cellStyleOption: { headerCellClass: ({ column }) => { if (column.field === "entity") { return someCondition?'text-visible-class':'text-hidden-class'; } }, bodyCellClass: ({ column }) => { if (column.field === "entity") { return someCondition?'text-visible-class':'text-hidden-class'; } }, },