How to use phpMyAdmin to add a column of type array Know Change the table name and add column listid integer array; Change table name and add column listid integer []; Not working
P粉7640035192024-03-27 20:40:13
As mentioned in the comments, arrays are not types. You can choose to use a separate table to hold the elements in the array and have them have a foreign key that references the original table, or parse the array into a string each time and store it as text, depending on your needs.
CREATE TABLE orders ( id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, description TEXT, reference TEXT -- This is where you'd want to add your list of order lines ); -- Instead, we'll create an orderline table referring back to the orders CREATE TABLE orderlines ( id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, description TEXT, order_id INT REFERENCES orders(id) );
Now you can put the array values (I'm assuming for now the order lines) into their own separate table. To query them you can do this
SELECT * FROM orders LEFT JOIN orderlines ON orderlines.order_id =;
You can use subqueries to be smart enough to return an array, especially in your application.