I'm using BootstrapVue
I have a json with the following structure:
[ {"ID": "123", "Name": "Harry", "Age": "22"}, {"ID": "456", "Name": "Harry", "Age": "18"}, {"ID": "789", "Name": "Peter", "Age": "20"}, {"ID": "159", "Name": "Peter", "Age": "19"}, ]
So at least, to be clear, each data - based on Name
and Age
together - is unique and has no ID
(!). This is just an example for easier understanding.
What I'm trying to do now is display Name
in <b-form-select>
and Age
in the following brackets. For example: Peter (20).
Now I have the following code:
<b-form-select :options="sortedPersons" text-field="Name" value-field="ID"></b-form-select>
I need to pass value
to my parent.vue
but want to display text in it. So I decided to do it.
The only thing I need now is attention. This example is just to show what I want:
:text-field="'Name' ' ' '(' 'Age' ')'"
But this doesn't work.
How to make it run?
Additional Information - I sort my json
before running it in compulated
sortedPersons() { var array = this.json.map((input) => input); return array.sort((a, b) => { if (a < b) return -1; if (a > b) return 1; return 0; }); },
Thanks in advance!
P粉6595169062024-03-27 15:07:28
You need to map the data so that the required text is formatted into a single property, or use options
property removal and then create manually using v-for
< option>
tag. p>
new Vue({ el: "#app", data() { return { selected: '', options: [ {"ID": "123", "Name": "Harry", "Age": "22"}, {"ID": "456", "Name": "Harry", "Age": "18"}, {"ID": "789", "Name": "Peter", "Age": "20"}, {"ID": "159", "Name": "Peter", "Age": "19"}, ] }; } });
[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" /> sssccc ssscccSelected: {{ selected }}