I'm using @trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports
and prettier 2.6.2
and it seems to simply ignore What I wrote there. Or I can't figure out how to correctly specify what I want. This is what my .prettierrc.json
looks like:
{ "printWidth": 110, "singleQuote": true, "trailingComma": "all", "arrowParens": "always", "endOfLine": "auto", "importOrder": ["^react$", "^./_app.scss$", "^@lc/(.*)$", "^components/(.*)$", "^[./] "], "importOrderSeparation": true, "importOrderSortSpecifiers": true }
I want react
to appear at the top, then third party modules, any .scss
or .css
files should appear after that, and then basically Anything else. But I'm not there yet. So far it can't even put react
on top and I don't know why.
I'd appreciate any help!
P粉5761849332024-03-20 10:32:26
Things like this will get you far.
{ "importOrder": ["^react", "^.(css|scss)$", "", "^components/(.*)$", "^[./]"], "importOrderSeparation": true, "importOrderSortSpecifiers": true }