I'm setting a cookie and it works fine, but for some reason I can't retrieve the cookie's value. I can see that the cookie is set in the browser developer tools, but when I try to print_r
it shows up as empty.
This is where I see the cookie value in the developer tools.
This is where I'm trying to get the value which currently doesn't work:
$additionalData = json_decode($_COOKIE['antennasNow'], true); echo '<pre>'; print_r($additionalData); echo '</pre>';
This is where I set the cookie, in case it helps:
setcookie('antennasNow', json_encode($cookieValue), time() 3600);
This is how I set the cookie value, in case it helps:
$cookieValue = array( 'base_Sku' => $base_Sku, 'vhf_UHF_Type' => $vhf_UHF_Type, 'ptc_Type' => $ptc_Type, 'type_700_800_900' => $type_700_800_900, 'band' => $band, 'polarization' => $polarization, 'gain_Sku' => $gain_Sku, 'exposed_Dipole_Az_Pattern' => $exposed_Dipole_Az_Pattern, 'collinear_Az_Pattern' => $collinear_Az_Pattern, 'panel_Az_Pattern' => $panel_Az_Pattern, 'dual_Input' => $dual_Input, 'narrowband_Connector' => $narrowband_Connector, 'beamtilt' => $beamtilt, 'null_Fill' => $null_Fill, 'heavy_Duty' => $heavy_Duty, 'invert_Mount' => $invert_Mount, );
I followed these tips/steps from other threads:
PHP Decode JSON from cookie
Storing PHP arrays in cookies
P粉8354286592024-02-27 16:42:50
Just replace your debug code with this -
$additionalData = json_decode(stripslashes($_COOKIE['antennasNow']), true); echo ''; print_r($additionalData); echo '';