This is the data I want to output, it matches the blue line and the photo of the desired output I have attached, please take a look and use the SQL query to get the desired result
P粉5712335202024-02-27 07:08:07
WITH cte AS ( SELECT *, SUM(delay_ping_type = 'wire_close') OVER (ORDER BY last_updated_on DESC) group_no FROM source_table ) SELECT MIN(last_updated_on) wire_open, MAX(last_updated_on) wire_close FROM cte -- WHERE group_no > 0 -- removes final open without close GROUP BY group_no -- HAVING wire_open < wire_close -- removes close without matched open -- HAVING MIN(last_updated_on) < MAX(last_updated_on) -- the same for PostgreSQL ; (感谢 @lemon 的小提琴)。