I want to delete pdf files older than one month based on their file names. For example, if (today - 1 month) is "2022-06-01.pdf", then I want to delete files like "2022-04-13.pdf" and "2021-01-22.pdf". I don't want to base my selection criteria on actual modification or creation dates.
Example (temporary/)
2019-02-01.pdf 2020-07-01.pdf 2021-03-10.pdf 2021-08-04.pdf 2022-03-30.pdf 2019-02-27.pdf 2020-07-08.pdf 2021-03-17.pdf 2021-08-11.pdf 2022-04-06.pdf
oldFiles(); purgeOLD();
function oldFiles() { // this is ok yesterday = new Date(); yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 30); actualYear = yesterday.getFullYear(); actualMonth = yesterday.getMonth() + 1; actualDay = yesterday.getDate(); if (actualMonth < "10") {actualMonth = "0" + actualMonth;} if (actualDay < "10") {actualDay = "0" + actualDay;} backtrack = actualYear +'-' +actualMonth +'-' +actualDay; } function purgeOLD () { // is this where the problem is ? var new_data = backtrack; var data; $.ajax({url: 'test.php', type: 'post', async: false, data: {user: new_data}}); }
PHP "test.php"
<?php // or is this ? $result = $_GET['user']; $rdm = $result .'.pdf'; $glob = glob("temp/2???-??-??.pdf"); foreach($glob as $file) { if ($file < $rdm) { {unlink('/home/example/public_html/temp/' .$file ."'"))} } } ?>
P粉1477476372024-02-26 19:51:10
I would do this entirely on the server side.
instance for
"1 month ago"$lastMonth = new DateTimeImmutable('-1 month'); $cutoff = sprintf('%s.pdf', $lastMonth->format('Y-m-d')); $glob = glob("temp/2???-??-??.pdf"); foreach($glob as $file) { if (basename($file) < $cutoff) { unlink($file); } }