I'm trying to do something a little weird but can't figure out the right way to accomplish it. Essentially, I'm trying to extract all tables/views and columns where the column name is like a certain string. Beyond that, I want to extract 1 row of data from that table/view and column combination. The second part is where I get lost. I know I can extract the necessary tables/views and columns using the select statement below.
This way I will get something like the following
|ColumnName |TableName | |emailAddress |all_emails | ....
But I want to get something like this:
|ColumnName |TableName |Example | |emailAddress |all_emails |[email protected]| ....
Can anyone provide any insight?
P粉3928610472024-02-22 12:09:52
I can't think of an easy way to do this in a query, but here is an option...
Put the list of columns and tables into a temporary table and run them through a loop, using dynamic SQL to select the largest row for each table.
I've added a bunch of comments below to explain it.
DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @TABLE NVARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @COLUMN NVARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @SAMPLE NVARCHAR(1000) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ##TABLELIST SELECT COLUMN_NAME AS 'ColumnName' ,TABLE_NAME AS 'TableName' ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY COLUMN_NAME,TABLE_NAME)[RN] INTO ##TABLELIST FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE COLUMN_NAME LIKE '%email%'; ALTER TABLE ##TABLELIST ADD [Sample] NVARCHAR(1000) -- Add a column for your sample row. DECLARE @ROWCOUNTER INT = 1 -- Add a counter for the loop to use. WHILE @ROWCOUNTER <= (SELECT MAX([RN]) FROM ##TABLELIST) -- Keep the loop running until the end of the list. BEGIN UPDATE ##TABLELIST SET @TABLE = TableName WHERE [RN] = @ROWCOUNTER -- Get the table name into a variable. UPDATE ##TABLELIST SET @COLUMN = ColumnName WHERE [RN] = @ROWCOUNTER -- Get the column name into a variable. SET @SQL = 'SELECT @SAMPLE = MAX([' + @COLUMN + ']) FROM [' + @TABLE + ']' -- Create SQL statement to pull max column from table specified in variables. EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @SQL, N'@SAMPLE NVARCHAR(1000) OUTPUT', @SAMPLE OUTPUT -- Execute SQL and put the output into the @SAMPLE variable. UPDATE ##TABLELIST SET [Sample] = CAST(@SAMPLE AS NVARCHAR(1000)) WHERE [RN] = @ROWCOUNTER -- Insert the SQL output into the sample column. SET @ROWCOUNTER = @ROWCOUNTER+1 -- Add one to the row counter to move to the next column and table. END SELECT * FROM ##TABLELIST -- Select final output.