I have a router link in the title of my site that when clicked takes me to page /registration
which has a form on it. What I want to achieve is that when clicked it scrolls to the registration form using the vueScrollTo plugin.
It works now, but not 100% how I want it to behave. As of now, when not on the /registration
page and clicking, it scrolls to the form perfectly, but when I'm on the /registration
page itself and click on the router link, I get Got warning
Attempt to scroll to an element that is not on the page: undefined
I believe this is happening because I'm triggering the event during the installed lifecycle. Is there a better solution to make it work?
Site header component
<template> <router-link to="/registration" class="nav-row--primary__button" @click.native="scrollToRegForm()" > Sign up </router-link> </template> <script> export default { mounted() { if (window.location.href.indexOf("/registration") > 0) { const regForm = document.getElementById("regForm"); setTimeout(() => this.scrollToRegForm(regForm), 1); } }, methods: { scrollToRegForm(element) { VueScrollTo.scrollTo(element, 1000); } } }
Registration page component
<div class="container--content spacing-ie" id="regForm"> <RegistrationForm /> </div>
P粉6337331462024-02-22 09:26:00
Use setTimeout:
methods: { scrollToRegForm(element) { this.$router.push('/regForm') setTimeout(() =>{ VueScrollTo.scrollTo(element, 1000); }, 1000) }
P粉6681466362024-02-22 00:07:21
First you need to add vue-scrollto in
yarn, and then add the following configuration in
{ modules: [ 'vue-scrollto/nuxt', ] }
Then, this template should solve the problem
Tried doing this from another page, worked great, no need to call vue-scrollto
from this page, just use a simple <nuxt-link>
This documentation page can help you understand $refs
: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html#Accessing-Child-Component- Instances-amp-Child-Elements