I have these combobox
chips but there is a problem deletable-chips
<v-combobox v-model="selectedCategories" :items="attributeCategories" item-text="name" item-value="id" label="Category" multiple chips clear-icon="mdi-close-circle" deletable-chips v-on:change="changeCategory(selectedCategories)" ></v-combobox>
Is there a way to prevent specific chips from being deleted? For example, not showing a delete button on a specific button? Assume that for Device
and only Weather
and Geo Location
P粉3549487242024-02-04 12:51:35
Instead of using the v-chips
built-in deletion method. You can do this by customizing the @click:close
event. I created a working demo for you:
new Vue({ el: '#app', vuetify: new Vuetify(), data: () => ({ model: [], items: [ { text: 'Weather' }, { text: 'Geo Location' }, { text: 'Device' } ] }), methods: { remove (itemText) { if (itemText === 'Device') { return; } else { this.model.forEach(obj => { if (obj.text === itemText) { this.model.splice(this.model.indexOf(obj), 1) } }) this.model = [...this.model] } } } })
sssccc sssccc{{ item.text }}