I have this working code that updates a chart where onMount simulates some kind of update. But completely destructuring the array in the OnMounted hook and rebuilding it with new values doesn't seem very efficient? I have tried using reactive components for data_values and label_values but that results in a maximum call stack exceeded error when the update fires.
So my question is, is there a better way to update the chart than the code below?
<template> <Line :data="chartData" :options="chartOptions" :style="{ backgroundColor: color }" class="bar_chart"></Line> </template> <script lang="ts" setup> import { Chart as ChartJS, CategoryScale, LinearScale, PointElement, LineElement, Title, Tooltip, Legend, ChartData } from 'chart.js' import {Line} from 'vue-chartjs' import {computed, onMounted, reactive, ref} from "vue"; ChartJS.register( CategoryScale, LinearScale, PointElement, LineElement, Title, Tooltip, Legend ); let chartOptions = { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: true } let color = "#FFFFFF" const data_values = ref([40, 39, 10, 40, 39, 80, 40]); const label_values = ref(['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July']); const chartData = computed(() => { // getter return { labels: label_values.value, datasets: [ { label: 'Data One', backgroundColor: '#f87979', data: data_values.value } ] } }); // Is it necessary to destructure and rebuild the entire array? onMounted(() => { setInterval(() => { label_values.value = [...label_values.value, "August"]; data_values.value = [...data_values.value, 1000]; }, 3000) }) </script>
I want to be able to use reactive components for data_values and label_values and if there is an update without errors simply push to the array and the computed property will handle the update.
P粉2376895962024-01-30 12:01:50
You can try using instead of destructuring assignment Array.push()
as follows:
onMounted(() => { setInterval(() => { label_values.value.push("August"); data_values.value.push(1000); }, 3000) })