Hi everyone, I'm currently making a DIV that when the path to the SVG is clicked, it creates a DIV. I've got the function working, but the problem I'm having now is that when I click on another path, it just opens a new DIV instead of updating the information in the already created DIV. Here is my current JavaScript example:
var fakeObject = {"One": {"givenName": "Joshua"}, "Two": {"givenName": "James"}} console.log(fakeObject) $("path").on("click", function(e){ var pathID = e.target.id.split('_'); console.log(pathID) createDiv(pathID[1]); }); function createDiv(value){ $("#DOM").append(` <div> <p>${fakeObject[value].givenName}</p> </div> `) }
I know my path function always fires when the path is clicked, so I'm not sure how to rewrite it to turn off the DIV when a new path is clicked, but the best case would be to just change the DIV when a new path is clicked elements in . The code for the HTML example is as follows:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 100 100"> <path id ="Path_One" d="M10,60 L50,10 90,60" />' <path id="Path_Two" d="M20,30 L10,130 20,30" /> </svg> <div id="DOM"> <p> 这是一个测试DIV </p> </div>
Currently, whenever a path on the SVG is clicked, it only adds a new DIV instead of updating when another object is clicked. My thought was to close the DIV when the new path is clicked and open a new one, but if the DIV could be updated with the new information, that wouldn't be necessary.
P粉4191647002024-01-17 15:20:39
Hey :) You can give your div an id and then use length to check if it exists. If it exists, just populate it with new content using .html.
function createDiv(value){ if($('#divname').length == 0){ $(document.createElement('div')).attr('id', 'divname') } $('#divname').html(<p>...</p>) }