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Merge recursive CTE results into secondary SQL Select

I have a complex SQL query that successfully extracts the cost of component product records and calculates the overall cost of the parent/bundle product. This approach works when each component has a supplier cost and is not itself a parent/bundled product.


SET @parentid = 36;
    sub.product_sku AS product_sku,
    sub.product_label AS product_label,
    c2p.bundle_parentid AS bundle_parentid,
    c2p.componentid AS comp_product_id,
    sub.qty AS qty,
    sub.preferred AS preferred,
    sub.supply_qty AS supply_qty,
    sub.cost AS cost,
    ROUND((SELECT cost)/(SELECT supply_qty),2) AS adjusted_cost
    FROM products AS p
    JOIN component2bundle AS c2p ON c2p.componentid = p.product_id
    JOIN (
        /* Get the preferred/cheapest supplier date for this component */
            p2.product_sku AS product_sku,
            p2.product_label AS product_label,
            IFNULL(s2p2.cost, NULL) AS cost,
            s2p2.productid AS product_id,
            s2p2.supplier_preferred AS preferred,
            s2p2.product_quantity AS supply_qty,
            c2p2.componentid AS comp_product_id,
            c2p2.component_quantity AS qty,
            c2p2.bundle_parentid AS bundle_parentid
            FROM products AS p2
                INNER JOIN supplier2product AS s2p2 ON s2p2.productid = p2.product_id
                INNER JOIN component2bundle AS c2p2 ON s2p2.productid = c2p2.componentid
            WHERE c2p2.bundle_parentid = @parentid
                 AND c2p2.c2p_archive = 0
                AND COALESCE(s2p2.s2p_archive,0) = 0
            ORDER BY c2p2.componentid ASC, s2p2.supplier_preferred DESC, s2p2.cost ASC
    ) AS sub
    ON (sub.product_id = c2p.componentid)
    WHERE c2p.bundle_parentid = @parentid;

My goal is to tweak or rewrite the query so that it eliminates the cost of any bundled components, so a recursive CTE query seems to be the way to go.

I have successfully written a CTE query that extracts each component product ID from a table showing a parent -> child relationship and assigns each component a level in the hierarchy. What I'm struggling with is how to integrate the two.

CTE Query

    SELECT componentid, 1 AS level
    FROM component2bundle
    WHERE bundle_parentid = 'target_productID'
        SELECT c2b.componentid, c.level+1
        FROM components c, component2bundle c2b
        WHERE c2b.bundle_parentid = c.componentid
SELECT * FROM components ORDER BY level DESC;

I've created a MySQL 8.0 fiddle here to help provide better context:


NOTE: I've cut down query #1 to make it easier to process so some fields in the fiddle can be ignored.

*Edit: Set the parentid variable in the fiddle to see how the current query pulls:

Some additional notes.

The subquery in query #1 is intended to extract the preferred or (if not set) lowest supplier cost from the supplier2cost table, and I'm not sure how to implement this subquery in the CTE context ( if so).

If additional context is helpful, please ask and I will edit the query to provide that information.

Expected/Expected Output

ProductSKU product label BundleParentID Component_ID level quantity Preferred Supply quantity cost Adjusted Cost
Subcomponent#1 CMP#2 36 35 2 1 1 1 cost Cost per unit
Subcomponent#2 CMP#3 36 37 2 1 1 1 cost Cost per unit
Subcomponent#3 CMP#4 36 38 2 1 1 1 cost Cost per unit
Component#1 CMP#1 34 33 1 1 1 1 cost Cost per unit
Subpackage The Bund#1 36 33 1 1 1 1 cost Cost per unit

The data will ultimately be used to provide the following component cost table:

P粉573809727P粉573809727277 days ago361

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  • P粉675258598

    P粉6752585982024-01-17 10:16:36

    You might want something like this:

    On the second cte, add a condition that joins your body query with the recursive query to extract only the selected query

    SET @parentid = 34;
    WITH RECURSIVE components AS 
        SELECT componentid, p.product_sku, 1 AS level
        FROM component2bundle
        JOIN products p ON componentid = p.product_id
        WHERE bundle_parentid = @parentid
        UNION ALL
            SELECT c2b.componentid, product_sku, c.level+1
            FROM components c, component2bundle c2b
            WHERE c2b.bundle_parentid = c.componentid
    CTE AS (
        sub.product_sku AS product_sku,
        sub.product_label AS product_label,
        c2p.bundle_parentid AS bundle_parentid,
        c2p.componentid AS comp_product_id,
        sub.qty AS qty,
        sub.preferred AS preferred,
        sub.supply_qty AS supply_qty,
        sub.cost AS cost,
        ROUND((SELECT cost)/(SELECT supply_qty),2) AS adjusted_cost,
        FROM products AS p
        JOIN component2bundle AS c2p ON c2p.componentid = p.product_id
        JOIN components c on c.componentid = c2p.componentid
        JOIN (
            /* Get the preferred/cheapest supplier date for this component */
                p2.product_sku AS product_sku,
                p2.product_label AS product_label,
                IFNULL(s2p2.cost, NULL) AS cost,
                s2p2.productid AS product_id,
                s2p2.supplier_preferred AS preferred,
                s2p2.product_quantity AS supply_qty,
                c2p2.componentid AS comp_product_id,
                c2p2.component_quantity AS qty,
                c2p2.bundle_parentid AS bundle_parentid
                FROM products AS p2
                    INNER JOIN supplier2product AS s2p2 ON s2p2.productid = p2.product_id
                    INNER JOIN component2bundle AS c2p2 ON s2p2.productid = c2p2.componentid
                WHERE c2p2.c2p_archive = 0
                    AND COALESCE(s2p2.s2p_archive,0) = 0
                ORDER BY c2p2.componentid ASC, s2p2.supplier_preferred DESC, s2p2.cost ASC
        ) AS sub
        ON (sub.product_id = c2p.componentid)
    SELECT *
    FROM CTE c
    WHERE preferred = 1

    Demo here

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