I have a problem, when switching between components using router.push, the Toast notification is not shown. I have a user edit view and what I want to do is redirect to the user's profile after editing and show a toast notification immediately.
Roughly speaking, I have the following:
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'; //Modules import DashboardIndex from './components/modules/dashboard'; //Users import UsersIndex from './components/modules/users'; import UsersCreate from './components/modules/users/create'; import UsersEdit from './components/modules/users/edit'; import UsersView from './components/modules/users/view'; export default new createRouter({ history: createWebHistory(), routes: [ { path: '/', name: 'dashboard.index', component: DashboardIndex }, { path: '/users', name: 'users.index', component: UsersIndex}, { path: '/user/create', name: 'user.create', component: UsersCreate}, { path: '/user/edit/:id', name: 'user.edit', props: true, component: UsersEdit}, { path: '/user/:id', name: 'user.view', props: true, component: UsersView}, ] })
import axios from 'axios'; import { useRouter } from 'vue-router' import { useToast } from 'primevue/usetoast'; export default function useUsers() { const users = ref([]) const user = ref([]) const errors = ref([]) const router = useRouter() const toast = useToast() /** * * All Users * */ const getUsers = async () => { const response = await axios.get('/admin/users') users.value = response.data } /** * * Create User * */ const storeUser = async (data) => { try { let response = await axios.post('/admin/user', data) await router.push({ name: 'user.view', params: { id: response.data.id } }) } catch (e) { if (e.response.status === 422) { errors.value = e.response.data.errors } } } /** * * Create User * */ const updateUser = async (id) => { try { //this.showToast = true; let response = await axios.put(`/admin/user/${id}`, user.value) router.push({ name: 'user.view', params: { id: response.data.id } }) toast.add({severity:'success', summary: 'Éxito', detail: 'El Usuario ha sido modificado', life: 3000}) } catch (e) { if (e.response.status === 422) { errors.value = e.response.data.errors } } } /** * * View User * */ const showUser = async (id) => { let response = await axios.get(`/admin/user/${id}`) user.value = response.data } /** * * Delete User * */ const destroyUser = async (id) => { await axios.delete(`/admin/user/${id}`) } return {errors, users, user, getUsers, storeUser, updateUser, showUser, destroyUser} }
<template> <div class="container-fluid"> <Toast position="bottom-right"/> USER PROFILE </div> </template> <script> import useUsers from '../../../composables/users' import { onMounted } from 'vue'; export default { props: { id: { required: true } }, setup(props) { const { user, showUser } = useUsers(); const showUserMounted = async () => { await showUser(props.id) } onMounted(showUserMounted) return { user } } } </script>
Important fact, I'm using Prime VUE.
Also, I commented that when I go to toast.add({severity:'success', Summary: 'Success',detail: 'The User has been Modified', life: 3000}) In showUser, toast messages can be displayed nicely.
I think what I need is a flag that changes the value in the updateUser method (e.g. showToast = true) and from the showUser method verify if it is true and if so, then does toast.add but I don't know how to do it in the end.
Thank you so much.
P粉9261742882024-01-17 09:26:09
Using pinia for store alerts you can access alerts across the app:
import { defineStore } from "pinia"; import { useToast } from "primevue/usetoast"; export const useAlertStore = defineStore({ id: "alert", state: () => ({ toast: useToast(), }), actions: { success(title, message) { this.toast.add({ severity: "success", summary: title, detail: message, life: 3000, }); }, info(title, message) { this.toast.add({ severity: "info", summary: title, detail: message, life: 3000, }); }, warn(title, message) { this.toast.add({ severity: "warn", summary: title, detail: message, life: 3000, }); }, error(title, message) { this.toast.add({ severity: "error", summary: title, detail: message, life: 3000, }); }, }, });
Then for example my login function:
const alert = useAlertStore(); async function login() { const authStore = useAuthStore(); await authStore.login(formData.email, formData.password); alert.success( t("alerts.loginTitle"), t("alerts.user") + `${authStore.user.name} ` + t("alerts.loginMessage") ); }
Finally add the Toast component to your App.vue file:
<template> <Toast /> <router-view /> </template>