I'm fairly new to Vue3 and web development in general. My practice setup is using Vue3 and Express.
I'm thinking of using a global property like app.config.globalProperties.$isAuthenticated
and switching between true and false based on the axios call to the server. Everything works fine except that I can't change its state in any component via this.isAuthenticated
= true or false.
Things I've tried, this.$isAuthnticated
, is first removing it using ref
or reactive
in app.js. None of them suit me. Finally I want a global variable to react to the server response.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
P粉1565327062024-01-02 12:02:57
I also encountered this problem and tried to find a solution to the problem.
I found thisarticle about state management. Using it, you can create state in application components while using variables from any component.