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How to use variable as image src - vue.js

I'm new to Vue and doing some html and css and I want to use a variable as the image directory but the images never load and the variable is being updated by a valid tauri function and I need the images to change as well.

This is some of my code

<img v-bind:src=getimg()>

   -- and --

<img :src = {{data}}}>

   -- and --

<img src = {{data}}>

   -- and much more ... --

<script setup>
var data = ref("./assets/4168-376.png")

function getimg() {
    return require(data1.value)

P粉148434742P粉148434742349 days ago559

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  • P粉320361201

    P粉3203612012023-12-30 12:27:15

    According to your code, you are using Vue3 Composition API. There's something missing in your code that might not make your app work properly.

    1. As others have mentioned, you don't use curly braces in attributes. You use
    <img :src="variable"> // just use : in front of an attribute and it will consider as v-bind
    <img v-bind:src="variable"> // or you directly use v-bind, less commonly used
    <img :src="'static string'"> // no point doing this, but just a reference of how it works
    1. When you use the composition API, you must first import functions such as ref.
      <img :src="data">
      <img v-bind:src="data">
      <img :src="getimg()">
    <script setup>
    import { ref } from 'vue'
    const data = ref("./assets/4168-376.png") // prefer const over var cus this variable will never be reassigned
    function getimg() {
       // why are you using data1.value tho? It should be data.value
       // also i don't think 'require' is needed here 
       return require(data1.value) // i just copy paste from your code

    Extra: When dealing with values ​​that don't require arguments, it's often better to use computation. See Vue Computed Properties

       <img :src="data">
       <img v-bind:src="data">
       <img :src="getImg">
    <script setup>
    import { ref, computed } from 'vue' // import it first
    const data = ref("./assets/4168-376.png")
    const getImg = computed(() => {
      return data.value

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