I have a delete route in Inertia.js so that when I delete an item it redirects back to the page I'm on. However, this is not calling the onSuccess() function in the Inertia destroy route.
deleteSubmit(id) { this.accountsDataTable.destroy(); Inertia.destroy(route('installers.destroy', {id: id}), {}, { preserveState: true, onSuccess: () => { this.accountsDataTable = $('#table').DataTable({ columnDefs: [{ target: 1 }] }); } }) },
//Validate the request //Create the installer //Redirect back on success return redirect()->route('installers.index')->with('success', 'Installer was successfully deleted.');
However, the data table is not recreated the way I want. This is what it looked like before:
Correct Image
The situation afteris as follows:
Picture error
I tried changing the controller code to:
return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'Installer was successfully deleted');
But the data table still doesn't display as it should.
P粉5390555262023-12-27 00:12:17
1: Set redirection using message data in the controller.
return redirect()->back()->with([ 'messaage' => 'Installer was successfully deleted', ])
2: HandleInertiaRequests middleware.
public function share(Request $request) { return array_merge(parent::share($request), [ 'flash' => [ 'message' => fn () => $request->session()->get('message'), ], ]); }
3: in the component.
<template> {{ $page.props.flash.message }} </template> <script setup> import { usePage } from '@inertiajs/inertia-vue3' const message = usePage().props.value.flash.message </script>