I have a table called BFFs that stores user IDs and best friends' user IDs, and I want to limit the table to 3 best friends for each different user.
I mean if the table structure is:
BFFs(userID, userID)
The record is:
(3286, 1212) (3286, 4545) (3286, 7878)
In this case, the user with ID 3286 should not be allowed to have new records, for example (3286, xyzt).
I wrote this trigger but I'm not sure:
CREATE TRIGGER BFFControl BEFORE INSERT ON BFFs FOR EACH ROW DECLARE numberOfBFFs INTEGER; max_BFFs INTEGER := 3; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO numberOfBFFs FROM BFFs WHERE sender =: NEW.sender IF :OLD.sender =: NEW.sender THEN RETURN; ELSE IF numberOfBFFs >= max_BFFs THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'Users are allowed to have at most thre friends.'); END IF; END IF; END; /
How should I re-enrich it on the relational table via assertions or triggers?
P粉1139388802023-11-15 12:52:39
In addition to hypercubes' answer (which leverages DRI to enforce your rules), you can also do a LEFT JOIN with MIN to get the next of 1, 2 or 3 from the three tables for each user ID one
徐涛2023-11-15 17:38:31
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徐涛2023-11-15 17:42:09
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P粉7694133552023-11-15 00:32:43
Add another column, FriendNumber
, and a foreign key constraint to the reference table containing exactly 3 rows:
CREATE TABLE Three ( friendNumber TINYINT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (friendNumber) ) ; INSERT INTO Three(friendNumber) VALUES (1), (2), (3) ; CREATE TABLE BFFs ( userID INT NOT NULL , friendID INT NOT NULL , friendNumber TINYINT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (userID, friendID) , UNIQUE (userID, friendNumber) , FOREIGN KEY userID REFERENCES Person(userID) , FOREIGN KEY friendID REFERENCES Person(userID) , FOREIGN KEY friendNumber --- this ensures that a user can have REFERENCES Three(friendNumber) --- max of 3 friends ) ;
Then you can add:
INSERT INTO BFFs (userID, friendID, friendNumber) VALUES (3286, 1212, 1) , (3286, 4545, 2) , (3286, 7878, 3) ;
Or as @gbn suggested, like this (so the column is autofilled):
INSERT INTO BFFs (userID, friendID, friendNumber) SELECT 3286 AS userID , 8989 AS friendID , COALESCE( ( SELECT MIN(Three.friendNumber) FROM Three LEFT JOIN BFFs AS b ON b.friendNumber = Three.friendNumber AND b.userID = 3286 WHERE b.friendNumber IS NULL ), 4 ) AS friendNumber FROM dual
徐涛2023-11-15 17:36:28
Asafa abides by the law and sends a message Asafa abides by the law and sends a message Asafa abides by the law and sends a message Asafa abides by the law and sends a message