I'm using Laravel 5.8 and Sweetalert v2 and I'm trying to trigger this alert on Blade with it:
Swal.fire({ title: '<h4 style="color: #0c5460;">Updating user status</h4>', html: '<h5 style="color: #0c5460">Wait...</h5>', width: 400, padding: '1em', background: '#fff url(/images/cream_pixels.png)', timer: 1000, onBeforeOpen: () => { Swal.showLoading() }, });
It pops up correctly but doesn't show the loader and shows me this error on the console:
SweetAlert2: Unknown parameter "onBeforeOpen"
So what’s the problem here?
P粉6768214902023-11-11 00:30:03
Using didOpen: Runs asynchronously after the popup is shown on the screen. Provide popup DOM element as parameter
Swal.fire({ didOpen: () => { Swal.showLoading(); } })