How to embed background video in HTML/CSS?
Hello everyone, I recently encountered a problem. I'm trying to set a video background to my site, but the centered text runs all the way to the bottom, I don't know why, yet the navigation bar is fine. I've done a lot of research but can't find a solution.
For CSS, I made the following settings:
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margin : 0 ;
padding : 0 ;
box-sizing: border-box;
font-family : TESLA Regular;
width : 100% ;
height : 100 vh;
background-image : linear-gradient(rgba( 12 , 3 , 51 , 0.3 ));
position : relative ;
padding : 0 5% ;
display : flex;
align-items: center ;
justify- content : center ;
width : 100% ;
position : absolute ;
top : 0 ;
left : 0 ;
padding : 20px 8% ;
display : flex;
align-items: center ;
justify- content : space-between;
nav .logo{
width : 150px ;
nav ul li{
list-style : none ;
display : inline- block ;
margin-left : 40px ;
nav ul li a{
text-decoration : none ;
color : #fff ;
text-align : center ;
.content h 1 {
font-size : 160px ;
color : rgb ( 110 , 57 , 57 );
font-weight : 600 ;
transition: 0.5 s;
.content h 1 {
-webkit-text-stroke: 2px rgb ( 212 , 28 , 28 ) ;
color : transparent ;
position : absolute ;
right : 0 ;
bottom : 0 ;
z-index : -1 ;
@media (min-aspect-ratio: 16 / 9 ){
width : 100% ;
height : auto ;
@media (max-aspect-ratio: 16 / 9 ) {
.back-video {
width : auto ;
height : 100% ;
> 对于HTML,我做了以下设置
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | <!DOCTYPE html>
< html lang = "en" >
< head >
< meta charset = "UTF-8" >
< meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE=edge" >
< meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" >
< title >Document</ title >
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "style.css" >
</ head >
< body >
< div id = "hero" >
< video autoplay loop muted plays-inline>
< source src = "mylive.mp4" type = "video/mp4" >
</ video >
< nav >
< img src = "2086940.jpg" class = "logo" alt = "" >
< ul >
< li >< a href = "#" >Home</ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = "#" >Zone</ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = "#" >Gaming</ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = "#" >Blog</ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = "#" >About us</ a ></ li >
</ ul >
</ nav >
< div class = "content" >
< h1 >Gaming is not a crime!</ h1 >
</ div >
</ body >
</ html >