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How to add href attribute to carousel items in Vuetify 2?

I'm using Vuetify 2 and need to redirect the user to a website when they click on a carousel image, each item of the carousel should link to a different website, so there needs to be multiple hrefs or something like that.


  <v-carousel-item src="https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.5fedcc584b436fe320057461d49f3996?rik=0iHP4CUZiAaMyQ&pid=ImgRaw&r=0" cover></v-carousel-item>

  <v-carousel-item src="https://cdn.vuetifyjs.com/images/cards/sunshine.jpg" cover></v-carousel-item>

I tried some properties provided in the API, but I don't know if they are written correctly or if they are valid in Vuetify 2.

P粉937769356P粉937769356420 days ago556

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  • P粉776412597

    P粉7764125972023-09-17 00:09:37

    Use <a> tag to wrap each v-carousel-item.

    <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/" target="_blank">
      <v-carousel-item />

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