So I need to hide my menu and only show it when I press a tab. What I did was write the following class:
.not-visible { transform: scale(0); height: 0px; width: 0px; margin: 0; padding: 0; visibility: hidden; } .not-visible * { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 0px; width: 0px; }
This works perfectly so that the content doesn't take up any space. But there's a problem here - when I do this, my SVG image doesn't display. After some reasoning, I found out that if you have visibility: hidden; in a class and in an item inside this class width height = 0, it will appear like this. Why does SVG work like this? I try to write these 3 parameters myself
.repair-price-box .button-close { border: 1px solid black; visibility: visible; height: 25px; width: 25px; }
But it doesn't change anything. It's like once I change these parameters, they break the SVG forever (as long as this code exists).
P粉0098287882023-09-17 11:31:32
Anyway, I found the I found out that I don't actually need these 3 lines of code. What I need is:
.not-visible { transform: scale(0); height: 0px; width: 0px; margin: 0; padding: 0; opacity: 0; } .not-visible * { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
Anyway, I don't know why these 3 lines of code broke the SVG, but I finally found the solution (I searched for weeks and couldn't find a solution)