I'm trying to store the scraped data into my database. It just outputs the results, so the crawling is normal. But there is definitely an error in defining the variable and passing it to mysql-insert. I get the message "New record created successfully". The result of the variable is empty and the date exists.
<?php $html = file_get_contents('https://www.marketwatch.com/market-data/us?mod=market-data-center'); $scriptDocument = new DOMDocument(); libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE); if(!empty($html)){ $scriptDocument->loadHTML($html); libxml_clear_errors(); $scriptDOMXPath = new DOMXPath($scriptDocument); $scriptRow = $scriptDOMXPath->query('//th[starts-with(text(), "ISSUES:")]//following::td[6]');if($scriptRow->length > 0){foreach($scriptRow as $row){echo $row->nodeValue;}} // echo result works $scriptRow = $scriptDOMXPath->query('//th[starts-with(text(), "ISSUES:")]//following::td[6]');if($scriptRow->length > 0){foreach($scriptRow as $row){$row->nodeValue = $nasdaq_dec;}} // defining variable does not work }; $host_name = ''; $database = ''; $user_name = ''; $password = ''; try { $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$host_name; dbname=$database;", $user_name, $password); $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $sql = "INSERT INTO `morgenroutine` (date,nasdaq_dec) VALUES (NOW(), '$nasdaq_dec')"; $conn->exec($sql); echo "成功创建新记录"; } catch(PDOException $e) { echo $sql . "<br>" . $e->getMessage(); } $conn = null; ?>
P粉2695300532023-09-16 09:28:43
now I understand! I changed the format to "text" in mysql and changed the row to:
$scriptRow = $scriptDOMXPath->query('//th[starts-with(text(), "ISSUES:")]/following::td[6]');if($scriptRow->length > 0){foreach($scriptRow as $row){$nasdaq_dec = $row->nodeValue;}}