I'm implementing a project and from what I understand, @use
will only import the code into the stylesheet we use @use
and not any other stylesheet.
sass documentation:
@use Loaded members (variables, functions, and mixins) are only visible in the stylesheet that loaded them. If other stylesheets want to access them, they need to write their own @use rules.
So I have a file called _b.scss
which is the main file for my sass compiled to css and then I have a file called a.scss
, in which I imported _b.scss
via @use
, then, I have a file called project.scss
in which I imported a.scss
, so according to this hierarchy, _b.scss
should not be accessible in project.scss
, but when I put project.scss
When compiling to css, in my css file, I compile the scss code from _b.scss
(however, if I write in project.scss
like @debug map-get($colors."red")
It will throw an error), so why does this happen?
PS: I use gulp
to compile, clean and monitor my scss and css.
//文件层次结构 index.html gulpfile.js a.scss _b.scss project project.scss css project.css
//index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/project.css"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <div class="bg-red">hey</div> <div class="bg-purple">hey</div> </body> </html>
//_b.scss $colors:( "red":red, "blue":blue, "green":green, "yellow":yellow, "brown":brown, "purple":purple ); @each $key,$val in $colors{ .bg-#{$key}{ background: $val; } }
//a.scss @use "b";
//project.scss @use "../a";
//project.css .bg-red { background: red; } .bg-purple { background: purple; }
//gulpfile.js const { src, dest, watch, series } = require('gulp') const sass = require('gulp-sass')(require('sass')) const purgecss = require('gulp-purgecss') function buildStyles() { return src('project/*.scss') .pipe(sass({})) .pipe(purgecss({ content: ['*.html'] })) .pipe(dest('css')) } function watchTask() { watch(['project/*.scss', '*.html'], buildStyles) } exports.default = series(buildStyles, watchTask)
P粉3164230892023-09-16 16:30:48
Based on your own quote (emphasis mine):
Please note that this does not include style rules. According to Documentation, style rules are still "loaded" into the generated stylesheet:
Therefore, @use
is used to isolate visible members (variables, functions, and mixins) while outputting style rules.